Thursday, March 25, 2010


Motorcycles - A Great Past Time

By Clare Louise Al-Aufi

Indeed, good weather brings out bikers from far and wide, and in certain areas in can feel as though there are more motorbikes on the road than cars!

Whether you enjoy motorcycling as a leisure activity, use your motorbike for practical purposes only (i.e. for getting from A to B) or have discovered the delights of a sport such as moto-cross or off-road motorcycling, the first and foremost issue in the mind of any serious biker must be safety. It is a sad fact that motorbikes have a higher fatality rate than cars, per unit of distance travelled. There are various reasons for this but the most obvious is that a motorcycle itself provides very little in the way of protection in the event of a traffic accident. Whilst modern cars have various safety measures, including "crumple zones" that take the brunt of the impact in a crash, motorcycles provide no real protection for the rider. However, all road users, whether motorcyclist, car-driver, cyclist or pedestrian, can do their bit towards making the roads a safer place for everyone.

The most obvious route to better motorcycle safety is better road awareness. This includes awareness of other road users, potential hazards, weather conditions, road layout and of course the rules of the road in whatever country you happen to be travelling. Car drivers can be notoriously oblivious of motorcyclists (and indeed cyclists and pedestrians!) so it is often down to motorcyclists to ensure that car-drivers are aware of them. However frustrating this may be, it is essential to try to see the road through the eyes of other users - has the car in front of you realized that you are there, or are you hidden in his or her blind spot? Has that pedestrian at the junction seen you about to emerge from a side road? Is the cyclist with the earphones in front of you at the traffic lights aware of your presence if he or she can't hear you?

The other most practical and simple way to increase your awareness of motorcycling safety is to increase your awareness of your own vehicle. Getting to know your bike, its quirks and complications is the quickest route to better motorcycle safety. A responsible motorcyclist will be therefore be able to diagnose problems with his or her bike quickly and easily, enabling swift rectification of any issues. For example, a biker who knows his or her bike inside out and is accustomed to its various noises will instantly be able to identify a problem if the sound that his or her bike makes changes suddenly. He or she will not have to wait until the motorcycle's annual service to find out that there is a costly and complicated problem that needs sorting as soon as possible.

Clare is the owner of Freelance Content Creation - She loves to motorcycle, and invites you to visit and read more!


For more on Motorcycle Safety, see

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Friday, March 05, 2010


Motorcycle Bike

By Pinto Alistaa

A motorcycle bike is a great vehicle which can get you around town. They have low insurance costs, they are cheap to operate, and they can get you to places quicker because of their smaller size. The demand for them is increasing worldwide. With the US market for motorcycle is set to see its consecutive growth this year too. Study shows that there is an explosive market for motorcycles, including cruisers, sport bikes, touring and dirt bikes. It is estimated that all segments will get a boost in the coming year, due to skyrocketing gas prices, bringing more cycle devotees into the core user group and further changing the face of the motorcycle consumer.

Most buyers-first timers or regular riders rely on riding impressions of the new model before buying the one that they fancy. Depending on the choice semi or fully automatic transmission motorcycle bikes can be purchased. The major spin off that have been introduced in the new decade are BRP Can-Am Spyder RT, mind you this is a three wheeler and not a two wheeler. It is different from the 2007 two wheeler motorcycle bike model. It is best meant for the sports rider. For the regular road speedsters a few adjustments can be made. Try a test drive, but not during rush hour and other weather conditions. It is the free wheeling drive that measures the real motorcycle bike. Ironically it is the retired men looking at the three wheel categories while the younger ones prefer the two wheelers.

Motorcycle bikes come in high risk category for riders. Other models and variations that are vying for attention of professional riders include dirt bikes, custom mini choppers; pocket bikes and gas powered bikes. There is one attractive model for every rider. Even kids are addicted to their 'mean machines' before they graduate to the leaner and meaner wheels. Mini dirt bikes and cheap dirt bikes for kids are also high on the 'boy-toy' list. Motorcycle bikes are available in different styles and models, and are popular among both adults and children. Each style comes with specific features and some can be customised to suit the rider. And quite a few riders are now choosing environmentally friendly and affordable bikes. If you choose to buy one then get into a training course for safety and to avoid accidents. No one wants the first ride to be the last one!

For the more information related to Motorcycle Bike, visit the website


Fore more on the Motorcycle Bike, see


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